Monday, April 21, 2014

Forty More Days of Jesus (2014)

Day 1 – April 21, 2014

Last year I embarked on a project. 

One of my pastors made a comment regarding Easter. He said, “Guys, Easter doesn’t end with today! Jesus walked the earth for 40 more days before He ascended into Heaven! How awesome is that?”

In that moment I was completely inspired. The knowledge Christ walked the earth for another month and ten days had never been lost on me. But it had never stuck with me in such a powerful way either.

I committed that evening I would make a point to look for Jesus every day, for the next forty days. I would ask Him to reveal Himself to me and show Himself in ways not typical or normal. And He did. And it was amazing.

During the forty days that followed, I documented each fantastic and powerful moment on Instagram. It gave me a solid sense of purpose and held me accountable to my newly set goal.

As Easter approached this this year, I wondered if I would document in the same way. The truth is, I might; but then again, I might not. I am definitely sensing a different pattern for this year’s forty-day journey. This year…. I kind of want to have my journey alone. And at the same time, I still want that accountability and platform to share the marvels God has in store.

The one commitment I am willing to make, is that regardless of how I share, or with whom, I commit to writing about my journey every single day. For forty days.

And who knows, maybe I will post it on the blog. Maybe I won’t. Maybe this year isn’t about out of the ordinary things happening and needing to share through photos and hashtags. Maybe it is about being present and in the moment, seeing the normal for the amazing that it is. Being so captivated my your Savior that all else pales in comparison, including Candy Crush and Twitter.

This year, I want it to be about being present. Because when it comes down to it, my favorite place to be with Jesus is present. 

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