Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Love Project 2014: If You Give a Girl a Cape

When I was a wee child (no short jokes please), there was this book that I absolutely loved to read. It was called, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie." The entire premise of the story is based on the hypothetical situation that will arise if  and when you give a mouse a cookie. You know, should he walk up to you and say, "Hey you. Yeah, you with the cookie. I want one."

The problems you then face (not counting a talking mouse as a problem) are as follows: he will probably want some milk. And then a blanket, and then a jacket and a bed. You get the idea. Sort of like the concept that says, "if you give them an inch, they will take a mile."

This philosophy says loud and clear, "STAY WITHIN YOUR BOUNDARIES! DON'T TAKE RISKS OR LET ANYONE IN!"

Granted, I am reading way more into this iconic piece of children's literature than need be, however, I am going to put on my cynical hat for a moment. 

The entire book is filled with what if's.

Growing up, I totally felt like the kid who wanted to give the mouse a cookie. Just to see what would happen. However, I got caught up in the what if's.

What if that person is upset with me.

What if they don't like me. 

What if they don't think I am funny.

What if someone goes down a wrong path because of the one thing I said wrong. 

Or my friends turn against Jesus.

Or that adventure I want to go on doesn't pan out. 

Or. Or. Or....

Most of the time, I was a free spirited kid, until I placed this unbelievably heavy sense of responsibility on my own shoulders.

Until one day, I decided enough of that. 

And even though it didn't rectify itself overnight, I made a conscious and focused decision to embrace life.

So, if a children's book were to be written about me, I would call it "If You Give a Girl a Cape."

Why a cape?

I am so glad you asked.

If you give a girl a cape, she will feel strong.

She will feel powerful.

She will be confident and radiate light and fun and laughter.

She will not shy away in the face of uncertainty or danger.

She will be brave and stand for what is right. 

She will love fiercely and be a support for those who need her most, while also allowing people to love her and support her in return.

I know most girls like princesses, and don't get me wrong, I do as well.

However, there is just something way cooler about have an invisible plane than having a crown.

As a kid, I pretended to be one. Wonder Woman was and is my favorite. Followed by Wolverine and Batman.

Because, there is just something about wearing a cape that makes things right with the world.

Especially on "Superhero Friday." When wearing capes to work is encouraged. Mostly by me, but whatever. Actually, wearing capes ANYWHERE is encouraged!

So, I wear my cape to work, frequently. 

People know me as Wonder Woman. 

And it's awesome.

What's more awesome is that Jesus used something as simple as a cape to teach me something powerful.

Something empowering and encouraging. 

Something that I want to share with everyone! And if wearing a cape on Fridays makes that possible, then bring on the capes!

Because my friends, you are precious in the sight of Jesus.

He fills you with His light, His power and His love. 

And that is greater than any super power and He is more powerful than any superhero.

He is the ultimate SUPERHERO!!!

Cheers to wearing capes, spreading joy and taking the love of Jesus everywhere!!!

Happy SuperHero Friday Everyone! 

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