Sunday, February 7, 2016

simplicity 2016: a free shirt

Back in October I went to a staff meeting and got a free shirt.

Actually, I got two shirts. But I only kept one. Because it was soft. And the other one was scratchy.

Due to the softness of the shirt I kept, I sleep in it. And it's amazing.

Totally not the point of this post, but I decided to tell you anyway.

You're welcome.

On this shirt, there is a fairly creative logo of blue hipster frames and a scripture reference. Followed by the word "zealot."

And if it weren't for the aforementioned softness of this shirt, I probably wouldn't have kept this shirt either.

Because the word zealot makes me uncomfortable.

It makes me uncomfortable because of the picture I paint in my head.

The picture in my head is of a scruffy old guy with a sandwich board that reads "everyone is going to hell."

My picture is of someone whose beliefs are so ingrained that the feelings and thoughts of other people don't matter at all.

And I don't like that picture.

But if I hear the word zeal, my picture takes a 180 degree turn.

The picture in my head then transforms into a blonde haired, blue eyed girl with a flower crown in her hair, running through a field of daisies, toward a basketful of puppies.

And that's frigging adorable.

On this shirt, underneath the word zealot is the reference Matthew 25.

And for almost I have had this shirt and never looked up the reference.

So today I did.

And now I'm even more confused that I was before.

Which isn't necessarily a terrible thing. 

Confusion prompts me to ask questions and learn. 

To seek the answers for the questions that are constantly pinging around inside my head.

The confusion lies in the type of people described in this chapter. I won't go into a deep explanation, but basically there were two types of people.

Those who were prepared and those who were in the process of preparing.

Neither group was loud, arrogant, rude or obnoxious.

They weren't shoving a message down anyone's throat.

They were simply going about that which they felt called to do with dignity, intentionality and integrity.

They were being faithful with what they had and happy in how they were living out their purpose. 

So while I'm not quite ready to call myself a zealot, I do want to live my life with zeal and joy.

I want to be purposeful and focused with what I have and what I feel called to do.

And I want to do it while wearing my new shirt.

Because it's soft.


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